Friday, February 5, 2016

The time I flew to India with a 10 month old.. it took us 30 hours to get to our destination!

I live in the Pacific Northwest, getting anywhere from this remote part of the country often involves flying. But when I told my co-workers and friends that I was going to India (read 30 hours journey) with my 10 month old in November, I could see them thanking the stars that they were not going to be traveling with us.

Lets rewind to when I was not a mom, my heart would drop when I saw a parent with a baby heading towards my seat on a plane. I am sure I made that face - you know the one I mean and I am certain I even used to sigh out loud.

Fast forward to last November when me and my husband and my little baby were making our way to our seats on the first flights on a series of flights that would eventually get us to India. I was scowling and staring down every face that made me feel like I was being a bad human being for bringing my baby onto the flight. What was I meant to do?? Well if only they would get a move on inventing teleporting.

As I walked through the aisles, I was cringing on the inside at the person I used to be, and wishing I could go back and apologize to all those parents.

Thankfully, for us at least, this potential nightmare had a fabulous end. My daughter was so well behaved, she made less noise than many of the adults on the flight and many of the co-passengers came up to us and congratulated us on a successful mission. Houston we had done it!

I don't claim to have brought into this world an unusually quiet baby. Ila (my daughter) is as boisterous as you'd expect any baby to be. She is curious about the world around her and in November she was crawling so didn't appreciate being restricted for hours on end. Unfortunately for us, she was too big for the bassinets that they provide on these flights and let's be real, she was never going to sleep in those things with all the pilot announcements and the lights around us.

But we made it work with a bit of team work and being prepared for the worst :) I will be sharing my tips and tricks to surviving long flights with a baby in my next post. Don't forget to subscribe to my blog if you want to know more :)